Stones Fixing

Stones Fixing is a very important job these days. As most of the women watches are about their beauty. Stones Highlighting makes watch beautiful. These are in different size and shape. Frequently asked by question by the customers all the time “How long these stones will they go? and Can we get these stones refix?”

There is good news for our customer “Yes..!! we can refix them and bring life back to your watch.” Our customer never have to worry about the quality of the watch. As our experts are using the best quality. Procurement of stones are from the brand of stones or watch brand. We always believe in serving quality to our customers.

Pricing is very reasonable starting from 10/- to 350/-. Some price may vary on quantity require to replace.

Process of fixing the stone is bit long as we wash the watch. Then we polish the holes of the stone place. Once polishing is completed, The watch is taken for the stone fixing and at the last we heat them and clean them with the soft cloth.

Stones Fixing Video available on the right to show how we do it and what quality we serve.